Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Teeth bab

The sight of his gums,
unsightly as bums,
reminds me of lib dems with teeth coated in bab,
it really was bad,
I stared and I stared until I went mad -
where was his tooth brush?
was he in that much of a rush,
that he couldn't remove the brown crud from his mouth,
how he will he ever get a girl to go south?
he'll never date with a face like a grate,
all covered in mould and filthy and old,
if you've not heard of bab,
it's northern for SHIT,
and those teeth that he had
were covered in it,
perhaps he had a fetish,
shit salad, not lettuce,
a cack covered pie
with piss strips for lattice,
something about him
really was babbish.
just get some colgate,
and brush it away,
and stop chewing tobacco,
you babber, today.

By Dr Sky

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